Replace second occurrence string java

  • Replace second occurrence string java. replace () The replace () method of String values returns a new string with one, some, or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement. In this tutorial, you will learn about the Java String replaceFirst () method with the help of examples. Now I want to remove that appended string on pressing back button. Example. substring (k, m + 1) . Test-case when a character doesn’t exist in the given string:-. Using replaceAll () method. Oct 20, 2010 · The code returns the nth occurrence positions substring aka field width. If character at i is a comma count it. needle = 'abc', firstIndex = string. index 0. So the first occurrence shall be replaced with 1 and second occurrence replace with 2. Oct 3, 2022 · String::replace replaces every occurrence and therefore its use for your requirement is not right. e. substring(beginning index,str. ; Here is one alternate solution that uses only indexOf and substring. Sometimes the neatest way is just to write it yourself. This is somehow a duplicate of this problem Ruby - replace the first occurrence of a substring with another string just in java. It's because the replace () method replaced the first zz with x. sed. The result will be as shown below. NOTE: One or two additional variables are fine. indexOf("aaa") + 1; Nov 1, 2023 · If you want to replace only a specific substring in Java, you can use the replaceFirst method or manipulate the string using the substring method. Matches (), which returns a MatchCollection, and check the index of the item: index % 2 != 0 ). The pattern can be a string or a RegExp, and the replacement can be a string or a function called for each match. The variable is initialized with the string Java Programming. Java String replace() The Java String class replace() method returns a string replacing all the old char or CharSequence to new char or CharSequence. 00_GRB_1" and s2 = "my File. If you want to find the occurrence to replace it, use one of the overloads of Regex. The Overflow Blog Why the creator of Node. It employs a try-except block to handle the case where the substring A String object is returned, representing the substring of this string that begins with the character at index k and ends with the character at index m -that is, the result of this. You can replace any character with another given character. replace(". Expected output "1 something 2" This is just small string. Apr 15, 2011 · Get all the indices in an array. The Java String replaceFirst () method replaces the first substring that matches the regex of the string with the specified text. Want to learn more about Python and practice Python programming? Jan 2, 2017 · String inp = "Monday 02nd January 2017"; I want to replace last two characters from second word. Test-case when character exists only once:-. Enter a character: n. An extra array is not: Not optimal, but simple way to count occurrences: String s = ""; int counter = s. replace('World', 'Java'); This method is a part of the String class and is used to create a new string by replacing specific parts of the original string. They're immutable. Let’s look at a simple example to replace all the occurrences of a character with another character. Sorted by: 1. I'm using Javascript's replace function, the following regex matches the Code to remove the duplicate characters in a string without using any additional buffer. Here Test appears two time. indexOfOccurance ("Stack overflow in low melow", low, 2) returns 18 and 21 in a string. Time Complexity: O (len), where len is Let’s look at some examples of replace () method. The function should remove the nth appearance of char from str. The standard solution to replace all occurrences of a substring with another string is using the built-in method replace () of the String class. Using replaceFirst () method. For example, "zzz". String. The output should be ‘Pyth-n is fun’, as the character ‘o’, is first vowel occurs in the string so it is replaced by ‘-‘. String str = "Hello"; char[] chars = str. Let’s write the code for this −const str = 'aaaaaa'; const subStr = 'a'; const num = 6; . substr(index + replacement. May 20, 2020 · In your file, the second occurrence is on the second line so what you need is this: sed '2s/line/LINUX/' mytextfile To edit the file in-place: sed -i '2s/line/LINUX/' mytextfile The 2s is to make the change on the second line. which contains multiple '/' between values. It searches the string for specified oldChar and replaces each occurrence of oldChar with the newChar. Delete the backslash that precedes '/'. 11. Case1: If the user enters the string ‘Python is fun’. NullPointerException-replace() method returns this exception when the target char/CharSequence is null. replace 1 occurrence of b with c and rearranging it makes this as String2: “acbdfghybdfghabcd”; Max length repeating pattern in string1: bdf. s1 = "2999. Learn how to replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript with different methods and examples. lastIndexOf("+") - 1 )); beginning index will be the index of occurrence index before last occurrence index. In this example, the function `find_second_occurrence_index_v2` utilizes the ` str. 29) Remove Character From a String Java :- Write string programs in Java to remove the first or last character from the given string. Feb 16, 2024 · The function uses the find () function to find the first occurrence of the substring in the larger string, and then uses a while loop to find subsequent occurrences. regmatches(x, gregexpr(fn, x)) <- list(sel) Using both regex and gsub. Replacing a Character in the String. Getting an array once and accessing it multiple times may be easier. Here's an example using replaceFirst: String str = "gallbladder"; str = str. Index of the second occurrence of character ‘n’ is: -1. In this quick tutorial, we’ll focus on a few examples of how to count characters — first with the core Java library and then with other libraries and frameworks such as Spring and Guava. g. indexOf(needle), lastIndex = string. In the following example we are have a string str and we are demonstrating the use of replace() method using the String str. For example, Here, we have created a string variable named type. e more than s length so ignored arr[1] = has 7 characters i. Regex. substring(pos+1) or use one of the regular expressions from the other answers. Sep 15, 2023 · Second most repeated word in a sequence in Python. For example, "hello" is a string containing a sequence of characters 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', and 'o'. The output of the above code is xz, not zx. input: "HELLO WORLD". You can use. Dec 22, 2010 · Another solution, you can solve your problem using replaceAll with some regex ^. let newStr = originalStr. If count is 2, delete character at i and break. Most frequent word in first String which is not present in second String. var pos = str. int charACount = 0; // get the first index at which more than two 'aa' occurred in a row. It may contain more occurrence of Test in string/word. subString = str. 0. I think it is the best, because it uses the Java methods as intended rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. substring(index + str. 0 I want to split the Feb 6, 2024 · Find The Second Occurrence Of A Substring Using str. substring and . It produces a Stream of MatchResult objects which correspond to captured substrings, and the only thing needed is to apply Stream. The output should be ‘-ngineer’, as the character ‘E’, is first vowel occurs in Aug 8, 2016 · It really works good. There are a number of ways to do this, one of which involves iterating over the original String and copying characters unless the current index is a multiple of n. We have replaced all the Aug 10, 2017 · I want to replace the last ". 111. Here I tried to replace the letter 'a' with "-" character for the give string "abcdeaa". replace ("ha", "gurp") doesn't work, as it replaces all "ha" s. As in: System. I want to replace all the occurance of ". text = text. And these values are not of fixed length(can be any length) And I need to replace only second occurrence of '/' with another string that means the Output should be. println(s); Jan 30, 2018 · This is my second question here and still a beginner so please bear with me. Try this code. You can use the the replace () method to replace all occurrences of the given character in the String with the another character. Explanation. String class provides a lot of built-in methods that are used to manipulate string in Java. It replaces each substring in the string that Dec 8, 2021 · Given a string "[ something that may contain a brace ], like so]". public class Main { public static void main (String [] args) { String originalString = "Hello World"; Oct 11, 2023 · The replace () method is an overloaded method and comes in two versions: public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar); public String replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement); The first method accepts the char types. Replace (String, String, MatchEvaluator). Java replace only first occurrence of a substring in a string. lastIndexOf(needle); nThIndex = 0; while (counter--) {. Then matcher function is used to extract the matched word from the Apr 12, 2015 · public int lastIndexOf (String str) Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified substring, searching backward starting at the specified index. Assuming the string you're checking is in A1, use: Jul 28, 2016 · I have a string like : Hi/I/Jack/there. Signature. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. str. double quotes to represent a string in Java. The following examples demonstrate how to use the replace() method in Java: Jun 5, 2012 · You can use following statement to replace first occurrence of literal string with another literal string: String result = input. Since JDK 1. e less than s length so ignored arr[2] = sorting : aabbbbdx. By the help of these methods, we can perform operations on String objects such as trimming, concatenating, converting, comparing, replacing strings etc. use Regex. Here is my regex and replace function With our substring defined, we can now use the find () method again to locate the second occurrence: second_occurrence = substring. return this. Using replace () or replaceAll () method. I have some regex finding the first square backets with numbers in a string: \[+[0-9]+\] This returns [7], however I want to return [9]. So let’s go ahead and define the replace-nth-occurrence. txt" with "_txt" The result of the String should be . This one can be replace with a string instead of a character. 1049. ", " "); //Returns 1 2 3 4 Oct 28, 2015 · StringBuilder replacedString = new StringBuilder(); // counting the number of time char 'a' occurred in String for replacement before row of 'aaa'. compile () method we compile the regex pattern to a String. The default given by AppSync is as follows: Dec 18, 2017 · 1 Answer. May 6, 2022 · SUBSTITUTE allows you search for a specific character and replace it with another; crucially, you can also specify which occurrence of the character you want to replace. " Aug 15, 2013 · String manipulation, removing characters until the second occurrence in java script Hot Network Questions Do ALL non-instantaneous deceleration events transfer weight to front wheel? Mar 7, 2018 · In my application, I am appending a string to create path to generate a URL. 3. txt_txt" How can I do this. Then just delete the character at whatever index is stored in the 2nd value of that array. Oct 17, 2015 · ----- first occurrence ----- second occurrence These two occurrences overlap at the comma, and thus Java can only replace one of them. The java. In the printIndex () function, if the substring is not found, the function prints “NONE” and returns. Enter String: Know Program. prototype. 5, a new replace() method is introduced that allows us to replace a sequence of char values. String replace = uppercase. substring(0,pos) + otherchar + str. Use the slice () method twice to get the parts before and after the character. lastIndexOf('_'); str = str. We’ll explore removing and/or replacing a substring using a String API, then using a StringBuilder API and finally using the StringUtils class of Apache Commons library. For example, String str1 = "01234", when removing leading '0', result will be "1234". We'll use it to replace the second delimiter with another character that we can then search for - I like to use the Pipe |. List<Integer> indicesList = null; int index = source. In many cases, it may be required to get the nth index of a substring within a string multiple number of times. This can be done using the methods listed below: Using String. Apr 10, 2014 · In this case, if I ask for 2nd occurrence of slash (/) from last , it appears before folder4, and I expect to return substring from 2nd last occurrence of a character. lastIndexOf ("at")); You can use the value returned by lastIndexOf () to set the attributes of Nov 9, 2022 · You can remove all instances of a character from a string in Java by using the replace () method to replace the character with an empty string. 190 or 1. out. // Get the index of the next occurence. Monday 02 January 2017 I have created one regex which gives me the last two character of second word in a string, but am not sure how to replace them with nothing. Sep 13, 2013 · How to replace or convert the first occurrence of a dot from a string in java. Index of the second occurrence of character ‘r’ is: 9. and the x is to increased every occurrence of L. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. length; . If you need to replace substrings based on a regular expression, use the Java String Feb 2, 2018 · I have a string which looks something like this(the most basic form): String str = "1. Feb 2, 2024 · To replace the first occurance in the string with given replacement String, we make use of the regex pattern matcher. sed script: $ cat replace-nth-occurrence. substring(0, path. Or, if you prefer using java 8 kung fu: Jun 6, 2021 · In this program, we will be discussing various methods for replacing multiple characters in String. The String. 1" with "_1" and ". Just add your string where u want to replace string in s and in place of "he" place the sub string u want to replace and in place of "mt" place the sub string you want in your new string. finditer() methods to find the second occurrence of a substring in a Python string. As a bonus, if you want to replace every other duh (i. replaceAll () searches and replaces all substrings using regular expressions. So this is what I tried. " in a string with empty space. htmlEscape (String input) which will handle the '&' to '&' translation. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of using regular expressions, split and join, or replace with a function. Alternatively, you can achieve this For example, if you have a string: String myString = “Hello World”; And you want to replace the word “World” with “Earth”, you would call the replaceFirst function like this: myString. concat (or +). use only String methods: . Enter a character: r. My output should be like below. replaceFirst("-", replacement); } This will replace each - in the order of replacements array. index() ` method to find and return the index of the second occurrence of a specified substring in a given main string. First, we have to provide a pattern that matches exactly with the Input String. replace("a", ""); Output. i. I have changed the characters to "-",I am able to get the indices of the input but I am not able to convert back the "-" to the characters entered. Conclusion. This method may be used to trim whitespace (as defined above) from the beginning and end of a string. e the return string should be folder4/ sel <- rep(fn, n*length(rp)) sel[seq_along(rp)*n] <- rp. For a String str2 = "000123" result will be again "123". split("\\$", -1). 0. That's what the warning message is telling you. Now I want to replace the first (and only the first) "ha" with "gurp": string. Feb 20, 2021 · java; string; replace; or ask your own question. MM:ss:mmm where MM is minutes, ss is seconds and mmm is 3 digit milliseconds, like: I'm trying to replace the second occurrence of the colon with a dot: I'd like to use a regex pattern to do a replace in an editor like Notepad++, I came up with this regex to match my expression: Oct 11, 2023 · Java String. String str = "Hello"; str. count () to obtain the number of elements in the stream. replaceFirst (“World”, “Earth”); This would return a new string with “Hello Earth” — the first occurrence of the substring “World Jan 26, 2020 · You can use String. Use bigString. If we update the string: let originalStr = 'The grey-haired husky a blue left eye and a blue right eye. length - 1; Note: Dollar sign is a special Regular Expression symbol, so it must be escaped with a backslash. "," the first dot and replace the second Mar 1, 2024 · To remove the last occurrence of a character from a string: Use the lastIndexOf () method to get the last index of the character. replaceFirst ("allb", "o"); System. lastIndexOf('/')); But your actual problem is that '/' is not special in Java regular expression syntax and therefore does not need to be escaped with '\'. length()); Note that 0 % 2==0; therefore, if you want to replace the occurrence number second, fourth, sixth and so on, use count % 2 != 0 in the inner if block. Case 2: I am using the String split method and I want to have the last element. May 20, 2021 · Add a comment. Jun 10, 2014 · Regex to replace second occurrence of a character. The start and end brackets need to be replaced with ( and ) or alternatively removed. replaceFirst(" " + b + " ", " " + c + " "); System. replace x with c and rearranging it makes this as aabbbbcd arr[3] = sorting : aabbbbbd. For example: java String str = "1. List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder item = new StringBuilder(); int delimCount = 0; Nov 15, 2015 · 3 Answers. Jan 8, 2024 · Overview. replaceAll("\\. Oct 21, 2023 · In Java, you can use the replace() method of the String class to replace characters or substrings, like so: String newText = oldText. The size of the Array can change. 1. {1} ( regex demo) for example : My version of removing leading chars, one or multiple. but don't know how to replace the last occurrence of a string. var str1 = "Replace the full stop with a questionmark. String s = "1. A repeated capturing group will only capture the last iteration. Jan 14, 2021 · length of s = 8 sorting s = aabbbbcd arr[0] = has 9 characters i. Example: String one = "Düsseldorf - Zentrum - Günnewig Uebachs" String two = "Düsseldorf - Madison" I want to split the above Strings and get the last item: Dec 25, 2021 · String folderPath = path. Then, use bigString. Example: Return a new string where all ” o” characters are replaced with “p” character: Java. Compare your solutions with other developers on Stack Overflow, the largest online community for programmers. Feb 16, 2024 · It returns a string derived from this string by replacing every occurrence of oldch with newch. println(s); s = s. Max length repeating pattern in string2: bdfgh. length); String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement): It replaces all the substrings that fits the given regular expression with the replacement String. Then With the Pattern. index() Method. When finding occurrences, it does not see yet what you replace the pattern with, and thus it doesn't see that new occurrence of ",382," is generated when replacing the first occurrence is replaced by the comma. substr(0, index) + replacement + this. So you're going to have to make a new String with the right properties. nThIndex = string. if string "Stack overflow in low melow" is the string to search 2nd occurance of token "low", you will agree with me that it 2nd occurance is at subtring "18 and 21". Concatenate the two parts of the string using the addition (+) operator. Java already has a built in method in String for this. Jun 5, 2022 · For example. We can also pass the Unicode value of the character. In the printIndex () function, if the substring is found, the function Oct 9, 2020 · String function to replace nth occurrence of a character in a string JavaScript - We are required to write a function removeStr() that lives on String. 2. regex is the best alternative, nontheless here's another approach without regex. prototype object and takes in a string str, a character char and a number n. Method 1: Using String. Set a counter for the comma. indexOf(needle, nThIndex + needle. " var str2 = "Replace last _ with another char other than the underscore _ near the end". Your command would only work if the string line appeared more than once on one or more lines. Sep 25, 2023 · String. Replace () that uses a MatchEvaluator (e. Dec 28, 2023 · - The replaceAll() method of the String class, which takes two String arguments and returns a new string where every occurrence of the first argument (treated as a regular expression) is replaced by the second argument. Result: HelLo. indexof(smallString) to get the index of the first occurrence of the small string in the big one (or -1 if none, in which case you're done). Java String replace() Method example. OutPut -->_bcdef__. replaceAll(". Find the first repeated word in a string. replace () Method. second, fourth, sixth, etc), then just invoke replaceAll instead of replaceFirst. Find the first repeated word in a string in Python using Dictionary. Maximize count of 1s in an array by repeated division of array elements by 2 at most K times. 190" The str can be something like this as well: 1. You can find the number of occurrences of a substring in a string using Java 9 method Matcher. replace () method. An example of Java string replace last occurrence. Put a capturing group around the repeated group to capture all iterations or use a non-capturing group instead if you're not interested in the data. js. Mar 31, 2011 · Replace last underscore in a string. We may use the lastIndexOf () method to determine the location of the last occurrence of a substring in a Java string, and then we can use the substring () method to build a new string with the replacement. lang. Now observe the below Replace Last Occurrence of a character in a string. I am aware of replacing the first occurrence of the string. Additionally, we delay the substitution function’s execution until we have the last line in the pattern space. Jan 23, 2017 · First of all, you can't replace in a Java String. The following example code removes all of the occurrences of lowercase “ a ” from the given string: String str = "abc ABC 123 abc"; String strNew = str. Then you can get any nth index. I am really looking for the replacement and not the removal. Don't expect a built-in library method for every task you want to accomplish. 12 or 2. substring(0, index) + str2 + text. Note that a similar method String. However, we need to adjust this index to account for the portion of the original string that we excluded with our Mar 18, 2024 · First, we use the N function to append each line except the last one in the pattern space one at a time. replaceFirst(Pattern. . Jan 29, 2024 · Replace the last occurrence of a Substring in a String in Java. To better explain, this method replaces the string exactly how I want it: (Edit: I changed the regex based on Avinash's response, still looking for a faster alternative as the regex replaceall is still slow) Nov 7, 2014 · You can always replace it with a word you are sure will appear nowhere else in the string, and then do the second replace later: String word1 = "bar"; String word2 = "foo"; String story = "Once upon a time, there was a foo and a bar. toCharArray(); boolean lFound = false; Java String replace () - replaces each matching occurence of a character in the string. Feb 16, 2024 · The String replace () method returns a new string after replacing all the old characters/CharSequence with a given character/CharSequence. Feb 19, 2016 · String methods String#indexOf, String#lastIndexOf can be used with String#substring. Braces on the inside of the string need to remain. There are two types of replace() methods in Java String class. Oct 12, 2023 · To replace all occurrences of a substring in a string in Java, we can use one of the following methods: 1. indexOf; . Jan 8, 2024 · There are many ways to count the number of occurrences of a char in a String in Java. Case2: If the user enters the string ‘Engineer’. println (str); // This will print "goladder". public List<String> splitEvery(String source, char delimiter, int num) {. A very noob question. Exception. replace () API searches for a literal substring and replaces each occurrence with the replacement string. If pattern is a string, only the first occurrence will be replaced. ; Use split() on just that substring. Or remove a character from the given position of the string. I have this code of a very basic hangman type game. replace('H', '-'); //Returns -ello. Sorted by: 5. replaceFirst (String, String): String a = "a creature is a small part of a big world"; String b = "a"; String c = "the"; String d = a. Share. Loop through the string. quote(search), Matcher. Sep 20, 2023 · Count occurrence of a given character in a string using simple Iteration: Iterate through the string and during each iteration, check if the current character is equal to the given character c then increments the count variable which stores count of the occurrences of the given character c in the string. The substrings that come before and after the target substring are then Jan 9, 2011 · I'm having a little trouble matching the second occurrence of a match, I want to return the 2nd square brackets with a number inside. quoteReplacement(replace)); Jul 9, 2015 · String str = "abc-123-def"; for (String replacement : replacements) { str = str. 4"; System. Oct 8, 2018 · If the file_string is supposed to be a configurable format string, then it should be improved. If you're using C#, you can either get all the matches at once (i. replace( 'blue', 'hazel' ); The result would be: The grey-haired husky has a blue left eye and a blue right eye. A backslash is a special symbol for escape characters such as newlines, so it must be escaped with a backslash. replace('l', '-'); //Returns He--o. replace("zz", "x") // xz. Here's what I'm currently using and it works, but I would like to know if a regex would be better for this. 4"; str = str. It essentially reads the string backwards and uses the String object's replaceFirst method, this is exactly what I was looking for. Another Approach: Convert the String into a char array, and declare a variable lFound gonna look for the first occurrence of letter l, if it found next l will be converted to k and exit the loop by break. index. println ("index = " + "I have swimming at school at 7pm". Suppose this is the string: /String1/String2/String3/ Sep 25, 2020 · To replace all occurrences, you can use the replaceAll () function. You could also map the string to an array storing the indices of commas. In Java, a string is a sequence of characters. If you're using Spring you can simply call HtmlUtils. A sequence which serves as a placeholder to be replaced should (or must ) be different from a literal, e. results () with a single line of code. May 14, 2018 · For example i have a string "13 + 12 + 25 + 55 + 65" I want to find the index of occurrence before the last occurrence of + sign. println(d); prints out: a creature is the small part of a big world. indexOf(substr); Aug 9, 2023 · It takes two arguments – a pattern (in this case, it refers to our substring) and a string. In this tutorial, we’re going to be looking at various means we can remove or replace part of a String in Java. This method returns a new string resulting from replacing all Output:-. \- matches the character - with index 4510 (2D16 or 558) literally (case sensitive) + matches the previous token Jan 29, 2015 · In my scenario I want to replace the last bit of a string after a period, or the last word and everything after. Read the documentation for more information: String documentation. substring to get the pieces of the big string before and after the match, and finally concat to put those before and after pieces back together, with your intended replacement in the middle. String str = "Test something Test"; I have to find Test and replace with it's occurrence number. Feb 23, 2013 · I'm suppose to replace a "L" in a string every time it is found in the string HELLO WORLD, with "x". Hope this article was helpful for you to understand how to use the find(), split() and re. length); Your current code seems to eat one occurrence of 'ZZ Java String Class Methods. The Unicode code of ‘o’ is ‘\u006F’ and the Unicode code of ‘O’ is ‘\u004F’. Java String replace() Examples. js® created a new JavaScript runtime replacing a character every Jun 20, 2014 · Find the substring that contains what you want, by calling indexOf twice. 1. ", " "); System. find ("apple") This will give us the index of the second occurrence within the substring variable. The search for substring starts from the beginning of the string i. : It is important to note that the replace () method replaces substrings starting from the start to the end. Feb 24, 2010 · If you just want to replace the second occurrence of a pattern in a string, you really don't need this "starting from" index calculation. int firstIndexOfAAA = withA. String = “Hello” Character to be replace = ‘l’ Character to pace = ‘L’ In the above-given string, the last occurrence of ‘l’ is the second occurrence at the 3rd position, which should be replaced by ‘L’. '. output: "HExxxO WORxxxD". Hi/IamJack/there Feb 16, 2018 · Trying to figure out what's the best way to insert a line break after the second comma in a string. vy zt qy qn qc vp oq hl hi zh