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Python list all ip addresses on network


Python list all ip addresses on network. 0/24') import ipaddress for ip in ipaddress. 0 computer2 - 192. This address is just a string of numbers written in a certain format. I need to get the list of mac addresses on the network, compare them with the addresses from the file and then print in stdout the addresses from the file that are not found in the list of addresses from the network. You can not do this, at least in the way you seem to present it ( graph. As we know from the above, Class C IP can be anywhere from 192 to 223. Add a comment. Here's a step-by-step guide: Install the python-nmap library: pip install python-nmap Aug 17, 2019 · How to list all the IP addresses defined on a Windows system with python? 2 List IP/MAC/names of local network devices python. 226 is between (192. I have a list of mac addresses written in a file. NetworkInformation; public static List<IPAddress> GetAllIPAddressesInNetwork (string networkAddress) { List<IPAddress> ipAddresses = new List<IPAddress> (); // Get the 2. If you want to get the IP address of the host on which the python script is running, then the answer provided by user2096338 is the way to go. You mentioned that a duplicate IP address was identified. hosts () to a list but throw it away, then printing the built-in type list then trying to iterate over it which makes no sense at all. mgmt. IPv6Network and ipaddress. Here each number in the set is from 0 to 255 range. Apr 17, 2023 · In this blog post, Let’s explore a Python script that resolves DNS/IP addresses and pings them. Consider using os. x with ipaddr. ipaddress. The even simpler way: ipaddress. 168" since, as mentioned, these are valid representations of IP addresses. 4. import itertools. tshark -nr input. I'm using Python 3. You can perform addition and subtraction on IP addresses: # next ip address print(ip + 1) # previous ip address print(ip - 1) You guessed it, adding an IP by 1 means it is the next IP address, subtracting by 1 means the previous IP address, here is the output: 192. 0/27) is a list Jun 30, 2022 · I've written my script to ping a list of IP addresses in a list. 0/16') True If your Python installation is older than 3. Open Command prompt and go to tshark directory, for example: cd C:\Program Files\Wireshark. import re. use ipaddress. 5 as 255. 0/24. def get_ip_addresses(family): for interface, snics in psutil. The following program will produce a mapping from MAC addresses to IPV4 addresses: import socket. ifaddr is a small Python library that allows you to find all the Ethernet and IP addresses of the computer. Aug 15, 2014 · answered Aug 15, 2014 at 14:23. Net; using System. ip_network('192. src -e ip. 3 or later, it now includes the ipaddress module: >>> import ipaddress. hosts ()) print (list) for i in list: You convert myList. Mar 8, 2018 · Source code: Lib/ipaddress. pcap -T fields -e ip. SOCK_DGRAM, socket. Dec 16, 2013 · Use the network interface IP address and network mask to generate the list of target host addresses. ip, so it uses the default setting, which only lets you connect from your own computer. AF_INET,\. A simple solution is provided by netaddr (pip install netaddr). import pygeoip. Here's an example that will print all IP Addresses in a given range (e. If you are using wireless router to connect internet, then select the Wi-fi: en0 option. 3. ) connected to a TCP/IP network that is used to locate and identify the node in communication with other nodes on the network. Oct 28, 2014 · Get all IP addresses associated with a host. net_if_addrs(). 0 - 1. 5. 12. 1/32. You need to generate integer tuples from your ip addresses to use as your sort key function. ifaddr is a small Python library that allows you to find all the IP addresses of the computer. IPv4Network('192. # initialize dictionary for IP addresses. In order to discover all the computers on a network within a LAN you can use scapy. You need something like subprocess. 236. arp relies on previous contact of some sort to work. 254. However in my opinion modern devices are all so talkative (you should really watch wireshark — it's an education) at broadcast level that it's unlikely a device would be present on the network without at least replying to a broadcast. This question on Super User provides several solutions for different operating systems and scenarios. Feb 1, 2017 · You do realize that not all networks are /24 networks with only 254 (not 255) usable host addresses. 0 Sep 7, 2020 · interface_list = netifaces. This library is open source and released under the MIT License. network = ipaddress. However, like Dustin's answer, it will accept things like "4" and "192. hosts()] print(ip_addresses) This will output a list of all possible IP addresses in the To filter and display local IP addresses in Python, you can use the socket library and iterate through all the IPs in all the network interfaces, like this: python. 127. Anyone that could tell me what I'm missing, I'd be most appreciative. The list would then be fed into scapy to test for open ports. Aug 7, 2013 · 3. As Android apps have very limited possibilities (only network requests), this should also be doable from a python script. Even on Windows. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Here's an example: using System. Here's an example: python import ipaddress cidr = "192. returncode. Learn how to scan your network and discover useful information about your devices. 0 to 10. ip_network function allows you to create an object that describes the network (IPv4 or IPv6): As with an address, a network has various attributes and methods: Method hosts returns generator, so to view all hosts you should apply list () function: Method subnets allows dividing network (subnetting). Or we can say that a full IP address The algorithm. Nov 18, 2015 · I am a beginner in Python and I hope you can help me solve this problem. py 📋 Copy to clipboard ⇓ Download. 1. Dec 16, 2021 at 22:06. Or you can just let Python execute nmap externally and pipe the results back into your program. gethostbyname_ex () will return a list of all the IP addresses. Subnet ]) creates for each item from the previous list an array constructed from an item's 0st value and an item's 6th value, which is an object with an array called Config, of which we take the first entry (0) and from it the Mar 30, 2017 · How do I get a list of the active IP-addresses, MAC-addresses and NetBIOS names on the LAN? I'd like to get NetBIOS name, IP and MAC addresses for every host on the LAN, preferably not having to walk to every single PC and take note of the stuff myself. For example, your machine's IP address is 192. 43 I have tried nmap and after a long time I was able to use it but it wont work. You can start the arp or nmap ipaddress. 8. interfaces() # Get addresses, netmask, etc. You have to keep the result of list () somewhere, then iterate over that. if_nameindex(): Dec 27, 2022 · Psutil provides the net_if_addrs() function which returns a dictionary where keys are the NIC names and value is a list of named tuples for each address assigned to the NIC which include the address family, NIC address, netmask, broadcast address, and destination address. A network scanner is one major tool for analyzing the hosts that are available on the network. Nov 16, 2015 · List of IP addresses/hostnames from local network in Python. 212. May 23, 2016 · 2. AF_INET6] for address in address_entries if netifaces. For example, a /8 network will give you 16,777,214 usable host addresses. If I do understand correctly docs, those data should be located in pyVmomi. lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384. 255 and the network IP address 192. Python - IP Address. 51. In part one we learned how ipaddress library can help us when working with IP addresses. from ipaddress import ip_address. ip_address (address) - It takes as input a string or an integer and If you want to find out the IP addresses of all the devices connected to your network, you can use some simple commands in the terminal. 50. Click on the Terminal icon when the search results populate. except Exception, err: ifaddr - Enumerate network interfaces/adapters and their IP addresses. You need to choose the interface you're sniffing data from. Jul 23, 2018 · Network Scanner in Python. inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128. start = ip_address(start) end = ip_address(end) result = [] while start <= end: result. Type “Terminal” on the search bar. get (). 128/25") if err != nil { log. Aug 24, 2012 · print ip, "active". They provide a form of inter-process communication (IPC). 1/24. 255. vim. Here you have to provide input. Config[0]. "Listening on all IP addresses" means people can connect to your notebook server from other computers, and run code on your computer. 0','212. Oct 8, 2008 · Your best bet would be to parse the output of "ipconfig /all" on Windows, or "ifconfig" on Linux. 0 until 255. I tried this code for getting the IP address: import socket. add_service() method in order to print the IP address: Sep 5, 2023 · Or in other words, an IP address is a unique address that is used to identify computers or nodes on the internet. The functions and classes in this module make it straightforward to handle various tasks related to IP addresses, including checking whether or not two hosts are on the same subnet, iterating over all Mar 12, 2020 · Teams. Dec 16, 2021 at 22:23. AF_INET, socket. Let’s take a look at how we can verify which addresses are loopback, multicast, local links, or reserved using the ipaddress module in Python. gethostbyname(socket. Starting from Python 3. Basic IP functions. Mar 15, 2012 · In Python 3. So far, I've successfully managed to extract the IP addresses into an Excel file and store it in an S3 bucket. @Barmar I update my post with some IP. It is generally expressed in a set of numbers for example 192. Step 3: gethostbyname () retrieves host information from a host database corresponding to a hostname. In my Python script I need to retrieve both the IP address of the machine the script is running on and its network address and its network bytes. Any system that is actively using the network will be known to your network gear, even if it wanted to "hide" from discovery/probing from other workstations Sep 1, 2020 · Since you are taking input, always ensure you sanitize the input. 255 IP + timeout is not good. ipa = ipaddress. This solution is very slow as pinging IP that doesnt exist will result in several seconds timeout. Jan 15, 2018 · This way assumes no relationship between IP addresses at all. AI_CANONNAME) list = [x[4][0] for x in result] return list. It doesn’t need to compile anything, so there shouldn’t be any surprises. network_interfaces. summary. inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1. macs = list(get_ip_addresses(psutil. gethostname()) But I got this IP > 169. このモジュールの関数やクラスを使うと、IPアドレスに関する様々なタスク、例えば2つのホストが同じ Oct 11, 2017 · This is the default because in debugging mode a user of the application can execute arbitrary Python code on your computer. On Linux, this command will show only the IP addresses. It can also be used to do comparison of the IP address values as well as IP address It appears my IP addresses are being formatted as a list of strings in individual lists. Feb 7, 2020 · map(to_entries) generates a list of the network objects with keys and values map([. # Get all the IPs in all the network interfaces. If you're using Python 3. 255')) hosts = IPNetwork ('192. 6. When you get to IPv6, the standard network size is /64 with 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 usable addresses per network (all addresses on an IPv6 network are usable). returns one-to-one key:value pairs of IP addresses. dst -E separator=, > ouput. Determine the network range; Scan all the addresses (except the lowest, which is your network address and the highest, which is your broadcast address). popen () with some regexps. 0 May 23, 2021 · Now we can run the nmap command to find which devices are connected to the local network: nmap -sn 192. Fatal(err) } // convert IPNet struct mask and address to uint32 // network is BigEndian Oct 11, 2010 · 4. sudo nmap -sn 192. user684451. Just change the ip= for your scheme and the xrange for the hosts. ParseCIDR("192. #. Popen ( ["ipconfig"], stdout=subprocess. Learn more about Teams Mar 6, 2018 · This code fragment will get a list of interface names, along with the MAC addresses. import socket. is_private) # Checks if address is private. 100. This information is enough to understand our Python program. Find the start and finish and then loop on the uint32 to get the addresses. Sockets and the socket API are used to send messages across a network. You can use the ipaddress module in Python to generate a list of possible IP addresses from a CIDR notation. Feb 15, 2023 · iterate-all-ip-addressesnetwork-using-python. (out,err) = subprocess. 1/24') So what I need for say IPNetwork (192. 22 (ipNetToMediaTable) Oct 12, 2016 · I'm trying to get list of all IP addresses from virtual machines using Python API ( GitHub - vmware/pyvmomi: VMware vSphere API Python Bindings ). try: result = socket. ifaddresses(iface) for iface in interface_list) # Only pay attention to ipv6 address types ipv6_address_entries = (address[netifaces. Feb 5, 2016 · 3. package main import ( "encoding/binary" "fmt" "log" "net" ) func main() { // convert string to IPNet struct _, ipv4Net, err := net. If you need to keep that setting, see Sep 2, 2011 · I want to get the IP address of en1. ip_address('199. s = socket. To find all IP addresses in a network using C#, you can use the Ping class in combination with the NetworkInterface class. From that you can retrieve the individual IP addresses using the nslookup <computer name> command or write a batch script to do it for you. import psutil. Both machines should have generated a warning screen, which should allow you to identify the machines. Nov 22, 2016 · Then use the the subscription and the nic name to get the IP using network_client. 2. socket. ip_network #. information address_entries = (netifaces. the default sort is alphanumeric sort. Step 1: The first step is to use a module socket. IP addresses are a sequence of digits starting from 0. 212" identifies the network and "226" identifies the host on that network. 2 192. To do that, hit Cmd + Space to trigger Spotlight Search. value, . The list will include the network and broadcast addresses, so an interface address of 10. myList = ipaddress. Jan 4, 2015 · Edit Per davidcl's comment, this answer isn't as perfect as I'd first hoped. 0/24') for ip in network: print(ip) The following variant will iterate over all IP addresses in this network except the broadcast IP address 192. system runs the command in the shell but does not return the output so that you can capture it into a variable. I'm a beginner and wrote a script to ping multiple hosts. Also your input hostname is a string, so the bitwise operation will fail. csv. Popen to get the command output. For any given name, depending from where If you want to find out the IP addresses of all the devices connected to your network, you can use some simple commands in the terminal. – Kokomelom. Such as ipaddress. Other BSD derivatives like OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and NetBSD should work too, but I haven't personally tested those. ipaddress provides the capabilities to create, manipulate and operate on IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks. 3, you can use this backport. If DHCP is used, then another request should have been generated and the problem may have self resolved. guest. 3+, you can use ipaddress module: >>> import ipaddress >>> ipaddress. X with X being the range of 0-255. Feb 2, 2024 · An IP address, short for Internet Protocol address, is a unique numerical label assigned to devices connected to a computer network, enabling communication and data exchange. 255, with each number in the address ranges of 0 to 255. ip_network (u''+newLine, False) list (myList. First of all you need to pull the various netaddr classes and functions into your namespace. pcap file with directory and you will get output in CSV format. 3 days ago · An IP(Internet Protocol) address is an identifier assigned to each computer and other device(e. The ipaddress module provides us method named ip_address () and classes named IPv4Address () & IPv6Address () that can be used to create IP address in Python. 168. $ ifconfig. The python module ipaddress is used extensively to validate and categorize IP address to IPV4 and IPV6 type. To prevent having 2^32 features, you only encode the IP addresses in your training data as features and treat new IP's as unkown. This loop reads text file line-by-line and. py. A network scanner is an IP scanner that is used for scanning the networks that are connected to several computers. Example of Class C IP 200. For example, they could enter 192. However, when I run the script, it just prints all of my IP addresses, but doesn't actually ping them from what I can tell. identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure. value. Furthermore, I'd like to send this exported file via email using AWS Lambda. Jul 30, 2018 · It gives you the IP address in bytes type (in your post, it is displayed as b'\x80Cj'), so that you should use socket. 254) Here in the given IP, "200. , router, mobile, etc. ipaddress は IPv4 と IPv6 アドレスとネットワークの生成・変更・操作を提供しています。. ¶. this would give you the ipconfig command output: import subprocess. communicate()[0] val1 = hostup. 0. py Before run the sample, please set the values of the client ID, tenant ID and client secret of the AAD application as Sep 20, 2023 · I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve the complete list of IP addresses used in my AWS account and export them to an Excel sheet. 64. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Socket Programming in Python Part 1: Handling Connections. If I use these, then it includes subnet and broadcast addresses: hosts = list (IPRange ('212. g. 4 is assumed to be as different from 1. I would use a module that has been written specifically for handling IP Addresses. If you're using *nix, you can use the 'arp' command to look up the mac address for a given IP (assuming IPv4) address. In your own code, you should be explicit about the classes, functions and constants you import to avoid name clashes. Execute the command as superuser to include the MAC address of each device as well. arp -a. 1/24" network = ipaddress. For example, your machine ip address is 192. Obviously, replace with your own network information. """. count = {} """. Net. Do this for the purpose of this tutorial only. communicate () now just parse the str to get only the IPs to a list. Nov 25, 2022 · os. [0]. 43. inet_ntoa() to convert it to a more readable format. ip_network function can take any of the string formats that IPv4Network and IPv6Network can take, including the address/mask format. 155. Use your DNS's reverse lookup to determine the hostname for IP addresses which respond to your scan. Unfortunately, it always return only single address (string class Aug 6, 2019 · ipaddress. Apr 11, 2012 · How do I convert a list of IP addresses to a list of CIDRs? Google's ipaddr-py library has a method called summarize_address_range(first, last) that converts two IP addresses (start & finish) to a CIDR list. com has only one IP address, not 3). How to list all the IP addresses defined on a Windows system with python? 0. The code uses the argparse, csv, dns. Dec 1, 2011 · Get All Valid IP Addresses in a Given Range. IP addresses are usually written and displayed in human-readable notation such as 192. socket(socket. This includes their ip addresses, MAC addresses, names and producer (Apple, Intel, ). VmomiSupport. . 0. Interestingly, Python lists compare element-by-element. 25 & 192. The ip address command works in the Python shell but seems to be tripping over the imported list. Share. To ping multiple host you can use ipaddress module. Our first example, explains how we can create IPV4 and IPV6 addresses using ipaddress module. 0, you can just copy the method's code from the later version of the module. Jul 12, 2012 · Modified 9 years, 1 month ago. Feb 16, 2021 · Example 1: IP Address ¶. – Barmar. 0/24'): print(ip) Mar 6, 2019 · To find the IP Address via the command line, we need to first open the terminal. IPPROTO_IP, socket. 0 to the command line: $ flask run --host=0. This is the result of ifconfig on my machine. 255” (may require -b on linux) Now type “arp –a” You will get the list of all IP addresses on your segment. Hint: ARP Table OID = 1. I want it to show something like this: computername - 192. 55. There is the net view /all command which will list all of the computer names that are connected to the same LAN. Mar 20, 2017 · 2. So: Jul 10, 2013 · I would use different approach, the Router usually is holding all the active IP addresses in its ARP table, assuming this is a professional network and any basic professional Router is answering SNMP requests, use Python and some SNMP package (like: PySNMP) and get the list from it. VirtualMachine. If you are confused with many options, please remove unwanted connected devices to reduce the options, also open any YouTube video so that you can see the Dec 8, 2019 · Working with IP addresses in Python - ipaddress library - part 2. import ipaddress. print socket. IP Address (Internet Protocol) is a fundamental networking concept that provides address assignation capability in a network. inet 127. ip_interface() or ipaddress. Learn more about Teams Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. 0 you can use the subnet_of () and supernet_of () methods of ipaddress. append(str(start)) start += 1. 1. 138. Padraic Cunningham. I have tried stripping the new line and . This will give you the IP address of your own machine. It is tested on Linux, OS X, and Windows. Since you have control of the network, (you do have admin control of the network gear; otherwise your Q is off-topic here), just look at the ARP caches on the switch (es) and router (s). May 18, 2013 · 12. getaddrinfo(hostname, None, socket. PIPE, shell=True). If you don't want this, comment out anything in the config file setting NotebookApp. I have this very useful Android app called "Fing", which lists all the devices on my local network. ValueError: invalid literal for long() with base 10: 'foobar'. Viewed 18k times. It will return a generator for the collapsed network, but you can just convert that to a list to deal with it easier. x = str(x) hostup = Popen(["ping", "-c1", x], stdout=PIPE) output = hostup. We then learned about Address and Network objects and operations we can perform on them. Aug 25, 2018 · PS2: Also I dont want any solution that requires going through all IPs. SOCK_DGRAM) For subnets that contains less than 4 IP addresses /31 and /32 report in a manner per RFC 3021; RFC 3021 says: In a point-to-point link with a 31-bit subnet mask, the two addresses above MUST be interpreted as host addresses. As for the IP address, I found the solution in the archive: import socket. One way to achieve this is sklearn 's LabelBinarizer: Teams. – I have been trying for hours using Google and stack overflow to read a list of IP addresses and return networks. You can install it with pip install ifaddr. ip_network(cidr) # Generate a list of all IP addresses in the network ip_addresses = [str(ip) for ip in network. Ping your broadcast IP address “ping 192. 7. Feb 15, 2021 · When you exclude one network from another, the result can be multiple networks (original one got split) - so, for the rest of the networks to exclude, you need to first find which part they would fit into before excluding them as well. 2-, Python 2. 1 with net‐ mask 255. from ipaddr import IPAddress as ip_address. In Python 3, there's the ipaddress module which has tools for IPv4 and IPv6 manipulation. # How to show the hostname and IP address. The code I used is below: compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id) network_client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials,subscription_id) try: get_private(compute_client, network_client) Jan 23, 2015 · How to display all device IP address,Host Name, Manufacture Name,Physical address etc which are connected in LAN using python programming. Here is my code so far; Python 3. AF_INET6 in address) Nov 13, 2012 · If you want to loop through a network you can define a network using ipaddress module. facebook. Step 2: gethostname () returns the local machine’s standard hostname. I'm trying to write some code that can get all the IP addresses associated with a given hostname. With help of arp - a I am able to get IP address mac and type(As shown below) but not able to get Manufacture Name and Host name I want to display the list as this Mar 10, 2019 · 2. 255 inclusive. Here is an example batch I threw together to illustrate. 1 to 223. May 2, 2020 · So basically i'm trying to create a program that gives all the Ip addresses connected to your device, then convert them to Mac address. 35 in Jun 15, 2018 · The ipaddress. The Mac adress converter part is working fine, but the Network Ip Scan is not working correctly Here's my code: Tutorial 1: IP Addresses, Subnets and Ranges. ip_list = """1. ソースコード: Lib/ipaddress. ip_address is comparable, as long the compared addresses are the same version (IPv4 or IPv6). Dec 20, 2018 · The simple way: IP addresses compare octet-by-octet. 3. 254 are reported: Nov 13, 2014 · This will give you ip address of your own machine. ips = [] for interface in socket. 99, which is not my local IP address. 178k 30 256 322. If you want to evaluate a lot of IP addresses this way, you'll probably want to calculate the netmask upfront, like Mar 5, 2020 · convert the CIDR address and netmask to uint32. So if you just split the IP addresses by dot and map the list to int, you can compare them correctly. Learn more about Teams Mar 14, 2020 · Step – 1: Select correct interface. [6]. Jan 5, 2022 · Teams. I use re. IPv4Network for network containment tests: If you have a Python version prior to 3. What's the most Pythonic way to create a list of the addressable IP addresses given a netaddr IPRange or netaddr IPNetwork. items(): for Jan 12, 2015 · I want to ping a range of IP addresses in Python and print either: "The IP is reachable with a X% percent package loss" or "The IP isn't reachable with a X% package loss" The range I want to try is 192. AF_LINK)) print macs. --- IPv4/IPv6 操作ライブラリ. Sep 1, 2023 · from azure. To get the list of the available hosts on a network, there are two basic methods –. May 4, 2009 · Are there general tools in Python for ip address manipulation? Stuff like host lookups, ip adddress to int, network address with netmask to int and so on? Hopefully in the standard Python library for 2. 6 So your broadcast IP address is 192. Improve this answer. Here is the code where I replaced the print() instruction in the MyListener. 1 netmask 0xff000000. Depends on your platform. 0 would generate 256 target hosts from 10. Honestly, If there exist python command to immediatly list all devices connected to Local Network, its enough But I didnt find anything like this. Since you're not actually passing the network address, but an address within that network with host bits set, you need to use strict=False. ipAddress. Dec 16, 2021 · 1. If you have the debugger disabled or trust the users on your network, you can make the server publicly available simply by adding --host=0. 255): Mar 17, 2020 · Class C IP. network import NetworkManagementClient """ # PREREQUISITES pip install azure-identity pip install azure-mgmt-network # USAGE python public_ip_address_list_all. I want to get my local IP address and also the subnet mask of the network with a python code. 3 with standard library ipaddress module / Python 3. 1') print(ipa. Welcome to the second, and final, part of blog posts showing how to use Python to work with IP addresses. resolver, ipaddress, and ping3 modules to achieve its Oct 11, 2012 · 5 Answers. 10') in ipaddress. findall with "digits" expression then convert to int (but there are other solutions, with split for instance) import re. ip_address('192. 12. Jun 23, 2018 · I'm trying to somehow get a list of all connected devices on a network, and then show their ip with it. Dec 2, 2012 · Try following steps: Type ipconfig (or ifconfig on Linux) at command prompt. Once the terminal window opens, type the following command. 48. So both ip addresses with a mask of 255. However, it cannot handle a list of IP addresses. 5, Windows 8. ip_network() to make sure the input given is a valid IP first. Dec 31, 2020 · 1. How to do that with Windows Script Host/PowerShell/whatever? Dec 11, 2013 · I am trying to create a script that generates a list of IP addresses based on a users input for a start and end IP range. 0/24')] The collapse_addresses method actually takes an entire list of addresses, you don't have to feed it ip_addresses one by one. To list IP addresses or hostnames from your local network in Python, you can use the socket library to obtain information about your local machine and the nmap library for scanning your local network. co jp ef ly qj rz in er sk ho