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Mat autocomplete clear if not selected reddit

Mat autocomplete clear if not selected reddit. mat-option can be collected into groups using the mat-optgroup element: < mat-autocomplete # auto = "matAutocomplete" > < mat-optgroup * ngFor = "let group of filteredGroups | async" [ label ]= "group. 4. Since the MatFormField is inside a form, the clear button has the submit type by default, and it becomes the default button. _auto. myControl: FormControl = new FormControl(); public matForm ; constructor(){. It retains the value typed in autocomplete field. Validators. A stream of actions that should close the autocomplete panel, including when an option is selected, on blur, and when TAB is pressed. Without some for your code its a bit difficult to help you, but using the example on the material. Note that you may also need to set clearOnBlur= {true} if you're using the freeSolo option. I would tackle it the other way, there's a couple things you can do so the autocomplete scrolls with the input. I am facing issues when i have typed in some text and navigate to other fields without selecting below dropped in auto complete fields. contractService. fetchedData is the default value e. Also, I'm noticing that when I remove an option using the mat-chip [x] button, it's still checked in the select list dropdown. Hope it helps. ,You are already calling such a function (onSelectionChange)="onEnteredAccount(accountOption)" in which you can do that. This would then be displayed in the input using the displayWith function set in the mat-autocomplete. setValue (options [1]. I have a search functionality and I am able to select multiple options at once. prepareForm(); } Apr 30, 2023 ยท Letโ€™s get started with quick implementation steps: Step 1 โ€“ Create Angular App. add a input controller for filter text. Since the blur always seems to happen before the optionSelected event, any actions placed inside the (blur) listener will stop the optionSelected event from happening at all with no way to discern a click outside of the input box vs selecting an option. The reason for this is that I want to have a filter (material-ui Select) that allows Dec 12, 2020 ยท Ho can I completely clear this list? this. Nov 17, 2020 ยท I am using the mat-autocomplete for my search functionality in my Angular application. Material Autocomplete in Angular. I don't know why my formControl valueChanges is not firing when I try to filter employees data by typing into mat-autocomplete. 5- Now the option that already had data has a new style. The dropdown shows the full address, and once i select the item, the mat autocomplete textbox should only show the street address part. [formControl]="dialTextControl". My approach is based on Angular Material 15/16. From memory you can either add a cdkScrollable scrollable to all of the parent elements that are scrollable, or you can change the scrolling strategy for your app Learn how to use material 2 autocomplete to select an option from a list of suggestions in Angular. myControlFirmware. options" [ value ]= "option" > {{ option. ManageProductControl(controls. I reviewed the angular-material documentation for autocomplete, and as far as I can tell, I am following the code examples as closely as possible, so there must be some other issue going on with my code here. ago. Oct 16, 2020 ยท 3. I retrieve the options from the trigger and use the array of options to set the value in the formControl in your case it would be this. Here is my component. subscribe May 12, 2020 ยท I have successfully implemented mat-autocomplete and it is working fine if selected from auto complete drop down. When I do <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete Jan 2, 2022 ยท 1. To prevent that, set the attribute type="button" on the clear button: <button type="button" mat-button Nov 29, 2017 ยท Then in the TS file you can call setValue on the FormControl object to set an initial value. By default itโ€™s โ€žtoStringโ€, so both the selected value and null map to โ€ž [object object]โ€. Step 5 โ€“ Run Angular Application. just change it to a new Observable: this. I think this is great Sep 2, 2020 ยท You can use material ui autocomplete's default prop filterSelectedOptions. jquery. May 23, 2018 ยท If you want to know how to open matAutocomplete with open openPanel() method in angular, this webpage is for you. I'm new to Angular and I'm still learning. value={null} blurOnSelect={true} />. Currently I have a directive (preventEnterDirective) binded to the same input element where matAutocomplete sits. Look into formarray, when you add a new control to the array subscribe to the value Oct 30, 2019 ยท I have an autocomplete input, the problem is whenever I reset the input value it doesn't reset selection options. <mat-form-field>. num. value) this way i don't need to search for the formControlName that emit the valueChanges, but if anyone have Sep 13, 2023 ยท I'm encountering an issue where the mat-panel in your Angular application's mat-autocomplete component does not opening panel immediately when the input field is focused. Edit - the mat-option panel is visible, but it is not below my input field. Learn more about Teams I am trying to use MatAutocomplete with Angular 5, I implemented it exactly as they mentioned in material documentation, based on material documentation , I can use (onSelectionChange) to know when an option becomes selected, the problem is that I am not able to find a way to know when the option becomes unselected. Apr 27, 2022 ยท Answer by Sienna Collier You can remove the formControl-binding from your input and when you select an option you set that id to your form. option. pipe(. ts and HTML respectively. </mat-autocomplete>. You will find a detailed answer with code examples and explanations on how to customize the display function and the template of the autocomplete component. I tried this approach in order to apply validation to Material Autocomplete. Find out how to use the displayWith and optionSelected attributes, and how to handle complex objects and nested properties. mat-option can be collected into groups using the mat-optgroup element: <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">. I found a great demo - multiple select where users can select multiple options in a dropdown and also search for options. Jun 27, 2020 ยท Data not refreshing in mat-autocomplete. propertyfilteredOptions = new Observable([]); Share. If you have more than one and wish to style them differently, you can set different variable name and style accordingly. OP โ€ข 3 yr. Mar 29, 2020 ยท 1. I want the mat-autocomplete input to be required and it is required. I am trying to reset the entire form written using reactive form on click of reset button, but the value in the mat-autocomplete field doesnt get However, I'm a bit lost on how to configure auto complete and user inputs. But the part used for detecting if the value is selected or not by comparing the type is not working: import { AbstractControl } from '@angular/forms'; export function RequireMatch(control: AbstractControl) {. I have connected the two so when the user selects something from the dropdown, it writes into the input field. options. name }} </mat-option>. However, when you configure an AutoComplete with OptGroup and use filtering, this does not occur. Jan 23, 2019 ยท In my case, my autocomplete get data from the server-side (arrays of objects), so I've created this simple function that validates that the selected value is an object and different from null, with this is enough for me. inputControl[id]. May 9, 2019 ยท Here in this Stackblitz I have a mat-autocomplete with async data. Basically there's 5 textboxes for the user to input the address, and the first of which acts as autocomplete for the full address, and when the user selects an option from the drop down, the first text box Jul 25, 2022 ยท Angular Material 2 Autocomplete, mat-option element doesn't trigger keyup event 0 Angular Mat AutoComplete doesn't display/show drop down list of returned Object from Back End Oct 16, 2023 ยท pre select a value in the mat-autocomplete options list. For example, you could use the following code to display the selected value in a mat-label: <mat-label> Selected option: </mat-label>. I need to focus and onblur again the textbox, the textbox just will detect the match and clear the input. According to the MatAutocomplete documentation, there is a classList input to style the panel. Basicly duplicating the action of the clear-button that is inside the Autocomplete, and triggering this action from outside the Autocomplete. so at first glance, it was bit confusing . Mar 9, 2023 ยท 1 task done. Feb 27, 2018 ยท 16. options) ]); First I created a form with FormControl as it was required filled validators Nov 25, 2019 ยท Well i have been trying to add mat-autocomplete to my form, and when finally things started to work for me this little issue popped as a pain in the back which is considered a stopper in my from. I am using material autocomplete in Angular. Without a button to clean the input, a user have to focus on the input element and clear all the text manually. Dec 6, 2019 ยท I have successfully implemented mat-autocomplete and it is working fine if selected from auto complete drop down. list of item. Apr 15, 2019 ยท I'd like to trigger autocomplete only if a special character is written at the end of the input text. controls. id_category. Dec 18, 2018 ยท Mat-Autocomplete multiple fields. letter, names: _filter (group. When user clicks on one of the items in the dropdown list, it automatically fills out the searchbar with that option. Oct 16, 2023 ยท I have a dropdrown developed using mat-autocomplete. (optionSelected)="optionSelected($event. angular. Any advice. I am not sure how to do that. fullName}} </mat-option>. Jan 7, 2020 ยท Learn how to fix the issue of Angular material auto complete change event not firing when component loading, with answers and examples. setValue('value to pre-select'); AC. lhmcn commented on Mar 9, 2023. When I click again, it's working. lhmcn opened this issue on Mar 9, 2023 ยท 3 comments ยท Fixed by #27422. Aug 2, 2021 ยท To change the drowpdown list styling, use . How can I clear those values. Method two (1) Type into the text input, for instance the Feb 6, 2024 ยท Angular click on option of mat-autocomplete not triggered on first click. added P3 area: material/autocomplete needs triage labels. <input type="text". Jan 28, 2019 ยท 4. HTML. Jan 24, 2018 ยท In my angular 5 application, I have some matAutocomplete, but I want to force the selection of one of the suggestions, so I am following this approach: stackblitz but for some reason in one case I You can use something like the following to clear the autocomplete field when an item is selected. May 22, 2018 ยท One way is to add a manual filter inside mat-select so it will have auto-complete functionality. Oct 17, 2018 ยท (2) Select an option by using the enter key (3) Put the cursor in the input (4) Press the backspace one time to make the dropdown reopen (5) Use the enter key to select an option. setValue(''); // clear via form control (it just clear input field) this. My issue is that when I click on an option, the optionSelected is not trigger the first time. names, value), })) This code makes Angular to re-render the list which destroys mat-option Dec 7, 2019 ยท I am not sure what's wrong. Though it doesn't look like this is the case for OP actually, which is a weird way to use autocomplete. E. <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">. this way May 10, 2019 ยท 6. private formBuilder: FormBuilder, ) {. Component May 26, 2020 ยท So What I did I just changed the ngModel [ngModel]="customer" then . <mat-option *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions | async" [value]="option">. Also, it does not go in inputProps, try that out. Oct 30, 2019 ยท yo! I'm pretty sure the Textfield component from material takes an "autoComplete" prop, and you can pass that the string "false". options = []; // tried to set the option value to empty. Which versions of Angular, Material, OS, TypeScript, browsers are affected? In my page i have a row with mat autocomplete and add button. In the example that you have provided, you are returning a brand-new object after the search . I hope that this can be useful for someone. To create a project, open command prompt or terminal and type the following command. Each option should be defined by an mat-option tag. The reason is if you're trying to bind valueChanges with formArray ("items") then the function will execute number of time that how many inputs in the array. Mar 14, 2019 ยท How can we select mat option when press on tab key?, it should work like enter button in mat-autocomplete angular 6 In below URL its working when press enter, but whenever we press tab button it should select highlighted option. valueChanges. border-radius: 10px; } This will affect all the autocompletes. So your solution would work. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Jan 26, 2016 ยท 1. So i finally solved this by using an keyup event instead of using valueChanges, on the input tag in the HTML just add a keyup event that looks like this: (keyup)="changeValueCategory (category. Properties. You can also find related questions and answers about Angular Material autocomplete features on the same site. Angular 16 Material Autocomplete with Api. Jun 21, 2020 ยท After I select an option from the second mat-autocomplete, if I just clear the first mat just by removing the text, the (optionSelected) doesn't proceed and thus, doesn't clear the second mat options. Teams. The md-input-container is only appended, if you're using the md-floating-label attribute. Step 2 โ€“ Install Material Package. Steps to implement autocomplete input search using material ui library in angular 16 apps with api: Step 1 โ€“ Create New Angular App So having a single one for all fields doesn't make sense in most cases, even though they pull from the same options list. loadContractDetails(id) . mat-autocomplete-panel{. Here is a stackblitz for it. Today, we Jun 9, 2018 ยท the mat-focused class of mat-form-field causes the focus on mat-auto-complete, by removing it from mat-form-field it will be not focused, in component: export class AutocompleteSimpleExample {. You could just not suggest 1800 options. myForm: FormGroup; constructor(. Following the steps here , I'm able to get one to work fine, but I'm having difficulties with two input fields and autocomplete panels. ( For me I am using VS Code) To open the project in Vs Code editor use command code . My aim is simply to create a better-looking mat-autocomplete component with an integrated clear-button and custom css arrow like the following image. For the demo version, I will do a simple angular project with that field only. } ngOnInit(){. filteredOptions = this. private getContractDetails(id: number) { this. It doesn't provide data to MatSelect. But the problem is when i insert a value in the Input the form does not change to Dec 13, 2018 ยท let i = index to the value of the option in the autocomplete component. <form [formGroup]="form" #legalDataFrm="ngForm" autocomplete="off" fxLayout. <mat-select. The picture illustrate my problem. <input matInput type="text" [(ngModel)]="writtenFilter">. I'm trying to create my own custom angular material component that would be able to work with a mat-form-field control. When (optionSelected) fires (when I click on an option) I want the field to be fully resetted like its freshly rendered/ initialised. Whether or not the autocomplete panel is open. you can clear it from there. I found the question on search of how to mark a selected an MatOption. i have used mat-autocomplete to display the value in the form. {{option. JS: the timeout and the compile was necessary to make the icon appear. <mat-option *ngFor="let option of displayList; let i = index" [value]="i">. Nov 25, 2018 ยท How to display a message when no option matches the input in mat autocomplete component of Angular? This question on Stack Overflow provides a possible solution using a custom filter function and a template reference variable. You should look into the โ€ždisplayWithโ€ input of mat-autocomplete. This stackblitz sets the value to two when the button is clicked. length - 1); } In the . Now my demo project is ready. it is. Html : Use template reference for input too. getElementById("matForm") Jun 23, 2019 ยท 10. g. To make Angular project type in the command line: ng new async-autocomplete. Find the example code of below given solution here. const selection: any = control. Aug 1, 2019 ยท What i want to do is display previously returned/existing list on focus/click of auto-complete. gt-sm="column" fxFlex="1 1 auto" novalidate>. My Code --Stackblitz. getting displayed at the left hand corner of the screen. Step 4 โ€“ Adding Server-Side Mat Autocomplete Component. value; Sep 6, 2023 ยท 1 Answer. Jan 7, 2020 ยท I'm trying to add a handler that clears all selected values from an Autocomplete with multiple values and a dropdown. I assume you want to show the panel as soon as you set the value. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I selected a name and then that same continuous name n dropdown :( it should "disappear" when it is selected. <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete" (optionSelected)="getValueSelected()"> <mat-option *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions | async" [value]="option[filterKey]"> {{option[filterKey]}} </mat-option> </mat-autocomplete> Sep 20, 2019 ยท Especially lines 74โ€“75 are important in this method because they override the default behavior of the autocomplete component when an option item is selected from the drop-down. You can also use the selected value to populate another form control or to perform other actions in your Angular app. The form field values for editUser component is coming from addUser. Step 3 โ€“ Configure App Module. But in my case I needed a programmatic solution, because I needed to pass the autocomplete-object (MatAutocomplete) to an uncoupled component (for more flexibility). This command will create a new project, now open this project in the code editor. finally if want to add a checkbox to your option just use the material checkbox in the Nov 11, 2018 ยท I'm attempting to use two matInput fields that each bind with separate mat-autocomplete panels. autocomplete. ng new angular-material-autocomplete. name">. I would suggest you to use mat-autocomplete instead. Aug 5, 2019 ยท I want to be able to implement a custom enter behaviour for material autocomplete when hitting the enter key while having an active option selected via arrowkeys. <mat-option *ngFor="let opt of options1" [value]="opt">. name" > < mat-option * ngFor = "let option of group. public filterControl = new FormControl(); add the filter text field inside mat-select. or you didn't say exactly how you wanted to reset. I don't think it's possible to natively search with mat-select . This worked for me pretty good that way: @Input() matAutocomplete: MatAutocomplete = null; constructor() { } Oct 5, 2023 ยท To get the selected value of the autocomplete, you can simply access the selectedOption variable. myControl = new FormControl(null, [. needs triage. 2- Add the [displayWith] property to mat-autocomplete to work with the function that helps us to set/get value to mat-option. You are trying to reset FormControl. [id]="fieldId". Navigate to the first official example (Highlight the first autocomplete option) Select "Three" Clear the value (Three) by pressing backspace. I was able to solve this issue by setting the value of the input2 with the full object that I wanted to select from the second autocomplete. The currently active option, coerced to MatOption type. const selectedValue = event. Another approach could be to append the icon to the md-input-container inside the md-autocomplete. You have to use multiple auto complete elements and all the inputs need to bind with array of valueChanges event capturing functions. #autoCompleteInput [matAutocomplete]="auto" >. The previously selected value in field "B" may not belong to the new field "A" value so there is a high risk of submitting wrong data in the form. I achieved this by updating the inputValue prop where multiple prop is false. required, forbiddenNamesValidator(this. When user clicks add button i am adding a new row but i dont know how should i do the autocomplete, because with single row i was using autocomplete with formcontrolname value change pipe. My problem is that I can't remove an element from the list when it is selected. Mat-Autocomplete: Show options on input click, without typing anything ="myControl Jun 24, 2020 ยท Mat autocomplete is not behaving as expected on ios in a cordova app as optionSelected is not triggering and i am not able to select and value. I have used below approach to fix this issue autoActiveFirstOption. {{option}} </mat-option>. As of now, the user searches for an item, and a dropdown list will appear. I use a material autocomplete form linked to a input with Angular 8. Aug 10, 2020 ยท Although a little bit late to the party - nevertheless. I also look at the API, but there is not such a kind of feature Jan 8, 2020 ยท The Solution. i dont know why but my formControlName wont send the data, am i put it wrong? When i try to remove [formControl] from HTML, its always cant filter. value)">. On init, I called a method (loadCategories) to get some data that I used in my mat-autocomplete, but when the data got updated and after recalling the (loadCategories) method the mat-autocomplete didn't update too, so unless I refresh the tab the mat-autocomplete values stays the same even if a category Jan 20, 2021 ยท 6. The feature requested could save the user effort in populating the full option list again after entering some filtered text. toArray() Sep 3, 2015 ยท Problem. log(selectedValue); Please comment, if this is not the required case. I've already tried some solution I found on stackoverflow without success ( e. In my case, I needed to clear the input on blur and set a separate value when an option was selected. 2. myControl. What I need is when I load the page next time, the pre selected values should be displayed by default for the ones already selected and saved. I am trying to develop an autocomplete. Jan 7, 2023 ยท Create New Angular Project. For clearing the values of autocomplete, it gives default clear icon at the end of the select box. after enter something then after it is working fine I want the mat-panel opens as soon as the input field is Jul 19, 2022 ยท @kvetis Not an issue, List is array type which contains all the records on those records i'm using filter function which filters data and only selected data is set in autocomplete which i have to clear after selection not full List Array โ€“ Nov 29, 2020 ยท Learn how to get the whole object of the selected value from an Angular autocomplete component, with examples and solutions from other related questions on Stack Overflow. Now I was wondering if it is possible to hide the selected option of the dropdown? So it doesnt show double like here: <mat-label>Choose an option</mat-label>. Also try some more material ui demos here. value) setValue() {. let options = this. @Input ('class') classList: string | string [] Takes classes set on the host mat-autocomplete element and applies them to the panel inside the overlay container to allow for easy styling. You will also learn how to use panel property, optionSelected event, and opened event with matAutocomplete. . So, from the menu - first click on "create movie" to view the actor autocomplete (there's a mat Jul 9, 2020 ยท Jul 9, 2020. It only shows the latest selection. for that to happen. {{ option. type="text". html file, you need to refer to the desired filteredOption array, we can do this by using the i index: <mat-option *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions[i] | async " [value]="option">. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. i have 2 components, addUser and editUser. In these lines, instead of letting the autocomplete component set the values for first name and last name form controls, we are manually setting these values. ex. Nov 5, 2020 ยท I have implemented mat-multi-select option. ,I only require to clear the field if we have not selected anything from auto complete, and it should clear field values from form too. Stackbiltz. <input. try changing the value to option. Q&A for work. Mar 4, 2024 ยท Autocomplete input autocomplete search using the material; Simply install material ui and create search functionality using this and call api in angular 16 applications. name }} </ mat-option > </ mat-optgroup > </ mat Next, create the autocomplete panel and the options displayed inside it. For example for the second one: May 17, 2018 ยท To improve UX. Find answers to common questions and problems, such as how to make a multiselection, how to implement autocomplete in a mat-select component, and more. The autocomplete panel to be attached to this trigger. io site. Post selection when I click generate button, I want to clear all the selections. Added to that, I'd like the control to use the mat-autocomplete directive. Angular material provides a wide range of features when working with mat-autocomplete combined with filtering, but where it fails mostly is handling large set of data. I struggle on how to create an event to clean the second mat-autocomplete options when the user delete by hand (text) the option from the first mat. mat-autocomplete-panel classname: ::ng-deep . Here's the GIF to illustrate the problem: http May 19, 2019 ยท I have multiple auto complete on a page and able to select values and save them. This is my code: &lt;mat-form- Nov 8, 2023 ยท In the normal AutoComplete when selecting an option, it will get highlighted via the "mdc-list-item--selected" class being added to the mat-option and also the mat-pseudo-checkbox element getting inserted. Try my sandbox link. Jun 21, 2019 ยท 1 Answer. You can find the answer that explains how to use the optionSelected event and the displayWith property to get the value and the label of the selected option. May 4, 2020 ยท Yes, you can change the title like "Reset mat-select value using button click" or something like that and you also may edit your question, you wanted a button click event, but in your html example you don't give any button template. when i select any from the items and add extra wording to it. You will find a detailed question and several helpful answers from other users who faced the same issue. ng add @angular/material. filteredOptions = []; // clear via filteredOptions parameter of mat-autocomplete. g: Material autocomplete not displaying list on click) Here's my HTML page: <mat-form-field>. [displayWith]='displayFn'. Mar 26, 2019 ยท If you are using Angular material autocomplete and want to display the option name instead of the value in the input field, this Stack Overflow question might help you. import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular Dec 16, 2020 ยท How to disable an input field after selecting a value from a mat-autocomplete component in Angular? This question on Stack Overflow provides a possible solution using the [readonly] attribute and the optionSelected event. matForm = document. </mat-form-field>. this. Angular Material - mat-autocomplete not populating in ArrayForm. The values key are no match with the records, but the textbox values are not clear. Set โ€ždisplayWithโ€ to a function which returns empty string for falsy values and a label for a selected value. <mat-optgroup *ngFor="let group of filteredGroups | async" [label]="group. I have issue using formControlName on Mat-Autocomplete. value; console. map ( (group) => ( { letter: group. Expected behaviour: When changing the selection in field "A" I want field "B" to be cleared to null. Following is the code snippet - Angular6 material: mat autocomplete displayWith doesnt display selected object. Feb 4, 2018 ยท If you want to know how to access the selected option in mat-autocomplete, this question on Stack Overflow might help you. I also used the default Angular Material setup by typing. Both on field 1 as in field 2 I get the same options in my dropdown, these options are the options who should only be available when I edit field 2. Therefore, when you press Enter in an input element of the form, the button in clicked and the form is submitted. You can also f. Instead, it only opens after the user has entered some text. (6) Repeat step 4 Notice how the dropdown does not always open, and how the model sometimes does not change. You can also see other related questions on how to customize the mat-autocomplete component. fetchedData = "Four". myControl = new FormControl(); ngOnInit(): void {. Nov 7, 2023 ยท The MatAutoComplete does not listen to those changes and does not manage a selection state. Apr 1, 2021 ยท Prerequisites. So list should not get clear when i select option. Set each option's value property to whatever you'd like the value of the text input to be upon that option's selection. Nov 10, 2019 ยท 3. <Textfield autoComplete="false" /> Jan 24, 2020 ยท this. It gets data from subscription - propertyfilteredOptions | async. , 1 Answer. g when the user types: '@', the autocomplete should appear. when the user clears the Sep 16, 2019 ยท 3. If true, it will hide the selected options from the list box. Stream of autocomplete option selections. {{ option }} </mat-option> </mat-autocomplete>. Oct 23, 2020 ยท 1. the value is displayed on the form but is not checked in the options dropdown list. matInput. I am using Mat-Autocomplete but for some reason it only works when I am using 1 field, when I add another second field something strange happens. I am new to angular and angular material. Now we'll need to link the text input to its panel. I'm using a tutorial to do a small project where I have an angular material autocomplete to filter actors and when I click on one of them, it should be displayed in a mat-table with drag drop feature. Learn from the answers and comments of other Angular developers who faced the same issue. You need to pass new values to propertyfilteredOptions Observable. I am able to clear the values from search bar but values are still selected if I open the multi select dropdown. I am calling a backend service to get response data and populate the autocomplete panel. jv ub qo ja dt el gx tv uy qq

  absolute value of a number